Welcome to MyMissionTrip.com a website committed to sharing stories, resources, and photos of how God is using YOU to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Insurance Consultants International and www.MissionTripInsurance.com created this site with the hopes of building a community for those who love the Lord and spread the Good News because as always it is our mission to...

"Serve those who Serve Him."

Fund Your Mission Trip!

 Funds2Orgs is a social enterprise that offers real, relevant, and engaging fundraising strategies to help support YOUR mission or program. Through simple shoe drive fundraisers, your can raise funds for your mission as well as support micro-enterprises around the world with the collected shoes! Through shoe drive fundraisers, your mission could EXCEED fundraising goals!


Mission Trip Insurance

  • Protect your church, organization, and missionaries while traveling overseas and in the US.
  • Individual, Group, and Global Health Plans Available
  • Call 1-800-576-2674 or log on to www.missiontripinsurance.com before your next trip!

“Captured In HIS Image”

Every year MissionTripInsurance.com hosts the annual "Captured in HIS Image" Photo Contest to give missionaries an opportunity to win money towards their next mission trip. Click here to see more information about the contest and past winners of the contest!