MissionTripInsurance.com is a company that provides global insurance for organizations, churches, and missionaries as they travel, but our heart is truly missions! As we pick up the phone each day, we are privileged to talk with missionaries all over the world and to hear how God is using them to build, serve, and grow His kingdom! Each phone call, email, and interaction with churches, both big and small, mission sending organizations, long-term missionaries, or even a first-timer fills us with JOY as we hear about their adventures overseas and domestically.
One organization that we serve, Christian Fellowship Mission, sent us an incredibly powerful video from their most recent trip to Haiti. We would love to share it with you below:
Christian Fellowship Mission has been sharing the love of Christ and the good news of the Gospel through word and deed in Haiti since 1966. We are currently focusing our efforts on trying to provide housing and fresh drinking water wells for those still living in tents as a result of the catastrophic devastation left behind from the earthquake that struck the capital of Haiti on January 10th, 2010. According to the Haitian government, over 230,000 people were killed and many thousands of people were displaced by the earthquake.
With homes destroyed and no money to rebuild many of the people are still living in small tents which provide little protection from the heat of the sun, insects, and bad weather. We have trained several teams of Haitians on how to make block for building the homes. These blocks are geometrically shaped so they can easily be stacked and fitted together like you would with children’s Lego’s. The blocks are laid without putting mortar between the blocks. This negates the need for trained masons. We can take untrained adult and youth groups to Haiti and build a house for a Haiti family.
If interested in taking a mission trip to Haiti with Christian Fellowship Mission you can contact our Trip Coordinator, Dave Bender to get more information. Each interested person must complete and submit an Application for the mission trip and a Release Waiver form to Dave Bender for review and approval. Dave’s email is srqbender@gmail.com. Our website is found at www.christianfellowshipmission.org.
I just saw a mission that was fully funded to help women in Haiti! https://www.continuetogive.com/C4CArtisans it was with Chances 4 Children.
Praise God from whom all blessing flow!!! Thanks for the update!!!