In 2012 Devin Walford went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic where she met a little boy name Charlie. Charlie’s contagious smile captured Devin’s heart and then Devin captured that smile with a photograph. She titled that photograph “Ray of Sunshine” and entered it in our Captured in HIS Image photo contest.
By letting her friends and family members know about her photo submission, via Facebook and other means, Devin managed to gain the most votes last year and won the contest! Her prize for winning the contest was a $750 scholarship to go on another mission trip.
Fast forward to 2013 and Devin puts her scholarship money towards the money that she needed to raise to go back to the Dominican Republic with her church, Decatur Presbyterian Church. Hoping to see Charlie again, Devin had a copy of his photo enlarged and framed. With God’s guiding hand they were reunited and Devin was able to give the framed photo to Charlie! Devin then posted on our Facebook page how the photo contest allowed her to glorify God – in her own words:
Just got back from my mission trip to the Dominican Republic and just wanted to give y’all the biggest thank you for having that awesome photo contest! Winning that money allowed me to glorify God in so many ways! One of my favorite things I did on the trip was meet up with Charlie (the little boy from the photo that won) and give him a framed copy of the picture! The joy on his face when he saw his picture is priceless! Thank you again!
Learn more about Devin’s work in the DR on her online journal at .To enter your own photos from this year (and to start your own online journal) be sure to visit and register for our newsletter.
Be sure to send us your pictures in September!
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