STM Toolbox releases mobile app for short term mission

STM Toolbox releases new mobile application. This one-of-a-kind resource combines missions news from around the world with a constant feed of tips and insight into planning effective short term mission.

App designers have partnered with well-known newsletters Brigada and Missions Catalyst to bring you timely mission resources conveniently on your mobile devise. STM Toolbox adds its own stream of articles, links, book reviews and other helps for short term mission.

Not only is the app free to download and use, it also contains a “free stuff” tab where discounts and giveaways related to short term mission are featured. The content is dynamic and constantly changing so users will want to log in frequently so as not to miss helpful information.

STM Toolbox Executive Director David Bosworth says, “The STM Toolbox app is a great tool to connect planners of short term mission with one another. We live in a world of interconnectivity and our missional strategies must reflect the pace at which information moves in our day.”

The app can be downloaded either in the App Store or Google Play. It can also be accessed at

David BosworthAbout David Bosworth

David Bosworth has a passion for helping others organize effective short term mission trips. David is the Executive Director of STM Toolbox, a place where believers can network, collaborate and encourage one another in effective short term missions.

As a partner with, David is a contributing blogger for

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