There are many misconceptions about travel insurance including what it does, how it can help and why it’s important to invest in it. Our mission is to clear up the misconceptions and answer YOUR questions about travel insurance, so we’re sharing the top 5 myths (and the truths) about travel insurance that can help you… [Continue Reading]
Three Steps Before you Go Overseas
Before You Go When preparing to take any trip out of the country, whether it is to serve on your own, or with others, here are three important items we, at recommend. Step One: Secure Coverage for You or Your Group Challenge: It is essential to protect your family, missionaries, employees, or yourself while… [Continue Reading]
5 Tips for Getting/Renewing your Passport
FIVE TIPS FOR GETTING OR RENEWING YOUR US PASSPORT by austin on 03/21/2012 Image: clappstar. Whether it’s your first passport or your third, applying for a passport can be a stressful experience. To help ease the process for you, we’ve distilled some of our wisdom (and that of experts at our local passport office) down into five easy-to-understand… [Continue Reading]